Anxiety Treatment in Boise, ID

 Anxiety Treatment in Boise, ID
While anxiety is the most common mental health challenge individuals face in the US, fortunately, it is also one of the most treatable. People often feel alone and ashamed of their anxiety, making it even more challenging to treat it. However, if you can move past that initial hurdle and seek anxiety treatment, you can effectively work toward lasting solutions to your social anxiety, phobias, and panic attack disorders.

Helping people overcome their anxiety is one of the main focuses of my practice. In fact, I tend to see the most rapid improvement for my clients during counseling for anxiety sessions. With treatment, I have found that my clients find a relatively quick reduction in their anxiety – to the point where their day-to-day lives feel much more manageable, and they feel more comfortable in their own skin.

Are You Overwhelmed With Stress And Worry?

Boise Anxiety Therapy
Do you struggle with mind chatter or racing thoughts throughout your day? Has anxiety driven a wedge between you and the life you want to live? Do you often engage in negative self-talk? Perhaps your anxiety manifests itself through physical symptoms, such as shortness of breath, a racing heartbeat, shaking, or nausea. It’s possible that you have attempted to reduce your anxiety, only to fall back into harmful thought patterns. Do you wish you could finally feel calm and more connected to your friends and family? Helping people to manage their stress regularly reduces the amount of anxiety they are experiencing. I will help you identify areas of stress in your life and give you tools to reduce and handle it better in ways that free up your thoughts and energy so that it can be used more productively.

If you are struggling with anxiety, you may feel like you have lost control over your thoughts and emotions. For instance, if you suffer from social anxiety, you may clam up in conversations or isolate yourself from others. Your mind may be overloaded with worries about how others perceive you. Perhaps you have a very specific phobia that causes you anxiety when you are exposed to your fears or when you imagine encountering them. It’s also possible that your anxiety has become so severe that you have experienced panic attacks – sometimes when you least expect them. You may be exhausted, frustrated, and eager to find relief. Regardless of how anxiety manifests itself in your life, it can quickly take a toll on your personal and professional relationships. The good news is that it doesn’t have to.

​For many years, I have helped numerous individuals reduce their current anxiety symptoms and confidently move forward in life with the tools to handle their futures. I have found it very rewarding to free people from the confines of anxiety. I can help you plan without worrying, be accepting without acting passive, and hold power without being over-controlling. I believe that no matter the severity of your anxiety, you have hope to live a calmer, happier, and more connected life.

Our sessions are held in a very comfortable and welcoming environment where you feel safe enough to talk about the causes of your anxiety. My caring, laid-back, and accepting personality can help you feel supported and allow you to talk about the issues that have led up to or triggered your anxiety. Regardless of your experience, my office is a safe space for you to share openly, without fear of judgment.

During our sessions, you and I can work together to develop a tailor-made plan to help you heal your symptoms and move forward with more confidence and resilience. Anxiety can have many different sources, so we will spend time not only understanding the roots of your individual symptoms. At the same time, you will have the chance to learn new ways to help you feel more empowered to overcome anxiety on your own. When you come to a deeper understanding that most of their fear is not connected to a danger or threat at the moment, anxiety symptoms may quickly disappear, and you can begin to feel more comfortable being yourself in all situations.

While each specific type of anxiety has various treatment methods, I have found that by developing the skills to quiet both your physical symptoms and incessant racing thoughts, you can learn a variety of ways to address the early signs of worry or panic before it becomes unbearable.

My approach to anxiety treatment tends to be multifaceted, including understanding and treating anxiety from a biological, psychological, and conditional approach. Depending on your needs and interests, I can teach you breathing and relaxation techniques to keep your sympathetic nervous system (your fight or flight response) at a more manageable level and help you feel more at home in your body and at peace in your mind.


I am worried about what my friends and family will think of me if I attend anxiety treatment. 
Our sessions are 100 percent confidential, so you can feel as comfortable as possible. Even knowing the confidentiality of sessions, it is still common to worry that your friends, family and even your coworkers will find out and judge you for seeking treatment. However, if you do choose to tell your closest loved ones about your decision to take the steps to feel calmer, it is possible that they will provide you with additional support. Taking care of yourself is nothing to be ashamed of.

Is anxiety treatment worth the investment of time and money? 
Not only can anxiety treatment help you feel calmer now, but it can also teach you lifelong skills to help you feel resilient in the future. Successfully mitigating your anxiety often leads to rebuilding and fortifying your relationships with your loved ones and increasing your productivity at work. The time and money you invest in anxiety treatment can pay off in almost every area of your life.

I have experienced anxiety my whole life. How will treatment sessions help me change this core personality trait? 
During our anxiety treatment sessions, you and I can explore all of the sources and triggers to your anxiety symptoms as well as address them with a wide variety of treatment approaches. We will focus our energy on a tailor-made plan that incorporates personalized techniques and strategies to help you mitigate your symptoms now and in the future. My extensive experience with treating anxiety has shown me that a multifaceted approach allows my clients to experience well-rounded healing.

If you have any questions about anxiety and anxiety treatment or would like to set up a time to meet, please contact me to discuss your specific needs and learn more about my practice.

To make an appointment or for more information, you can reach me at 208-803-5339.

A Review of My Services


"I had been experiencing daily (sometimes multiple a day) panic attacks. Dr. Cummins has been extremely helpful giving me tools to address my anxiety, which have helped to restore my quality of life. "
— K.D.
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